That pain when you unknowingly pop a pimple on your scalp while combing your hair is inexplicable! Isn’t it? So how do you treat it?
In this article, we look at the different types of scalp acne, its causes, and some of the effective treatments to prevent it.
In simple terms, scalp acne is nothing but the blemishes or pimples developed on your scalp skin tissues due to the build-up of dead skin cells and sebum [1] in your hair follicles.
Scalp Treatments Reviews
Scalp acne appears as small pimples or zits on the scalp skin tissues or back of the head. These pimples are often itchy, pus-filled and painful.
“Moderate and severe types of scalp acne can be accompanied by pus formation, itchiness, and soreness, ” says Dr. Zeel Gandhi , Chief Ayurvedic Doctor at .
As per Ayurveda, scalp acne can be linked to the vitiation of all three doshas in your body. However, it is primarily triggered by vitiated Pitta dosha. Based on the dominant doshas, the type of scalp acne varies. For example, if the pimples are oozing pus, then it is dominant in Pitta and Kapha. Similarly, if your scalp acne has no inflammation as in the case of blackheads or whiteheads, then it is majorly caused by elevated Kapha and Vata doshas.
Remedies For Scalp Folliculitis You Can Try At Home
The imbalance of doshas results in over production of sebum and dead cell accumulation in your hair follicles. When it is accompanied by a bacterial and fungal infection, it leads to the inflammation of your hair follicles [2], causing pimples on your scalp.
Before proceeding with Ayurvedic herbal treatments to treat your scalp acne, you need to understand which of your doshas are in aggravated levels. This will help you choose specific dosha-pacifying herbal treatments for your scalp.
It balances Kapha and Vata doshas. Soak half cup of fenugreek seeds in 2-3 cups of water overnight. In the morning, strain the water and use it to rinse your scalp after a head bath.
Proven Ways To Treat Scalp Acne
It balances Kapha and Pitta doshas. Boil a handful of neem leaves in two cups of water for 10-15 minutes. Strain the decoction and let it cool down. Wash your hair with this neem decoction at least thrice a week after a head bath.
It balances all three doshas. Take some fresh aloe vera gel and apply it directly to the acne spots on your scalp. Wash it off after half an hour.
It balances all the three doshas, especially Pitta dosha. Add a spoonful of amla powder to 2 cups of coconut oil. Heat the oil in low flame until it turns brown. Strain the oil in a glass bottle and use it to massage your hair roots regularly. Use it at least half an hour before your hair wash.
What Causes Scalp Acne?
It balances Kapha and Pitta doshas. Make a fine paste by adding 1-2 spoons of water to 1 ½ spoon of dry lodhra powder. Apply it to your scalp roots and wash it off after half an hour.
It balances Kapha and Pitta doshas. Add a pinch of turmeric powder [4] to a cup of olive, jojoba or coconut oil. Warm-up the oil and massage your scalp with it for a few minutes. Wait for half an hour and then wash your hair with an Ayurvedic cleanser.
Tip: Consume a spoon of Triphala churna every morning. Triphala has natural laxative properties that keep your bowel movement regular, thus maintaining the dosha balance. 2. Ayurvedic Internal Medications
Scalp Pimples And Acne
Your Ayurvedic doctor will prescribe the internal herbal medicines with the right dosage based on your dominant doshas and the severity of scalp acne.
Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo and conditioner. You can also add a few drops to a cup of carrier oil such as almond or argan oil and massage your scalp regularly before hair wash.
Mince a few garlic cloves and apply them directly to the pimples on your scalp. Wait for half an hour and then wash it off.
Scalp Acne Treatment In Singapore
Dilute a spoon of lemon juice with a cup of water and pour the solution over your scalp. Wait for half an hour before washing it off.
Rub your scalp acne with an onion slice directly. Wait for half an hour and wash it off using a mild cleanser.
Apply yogurt on your scalp acne using a cotton ball. Leave it for half an hour and clean it using a mild cleanser.
Scalp Folliculitis Leave On Lotion For Itchy Scalp, Dandruff, Hair Loss, Head Acne
To treat scalp acne, you need to ensure that your hair care products, especially shampoos and conditioners are non-comedogenic. Here are some reliable chemical ingredients that you can look for in your shampoo and conditioner to manage scalp acne:
In case of severe and stubborn scalp acne conditions, your doctor may recommend the following medications to help reduce inflammation, microbial infection, and scarring:
“Squeezing out the pimples on your scalp leads to the spread of bacterial infection to the surrounding hair follicles along with scarring. This can further worsen your scalp condition and result in other hair problems including smelly scalp, scalp folliculitis, and hair loss, ” says Dr. Zeel.
What Is Scalp Acne? How To Treat Pimples On Your Scalp
Regular scalp hygiene practice and hair care routines are pivotal to achieve a clear and healthy scalp. Some of the other preventive tips for scalp acne include:
4. Make sure that your hair products are suitable for your hair type. It is always advisable to choose products that are formulated with natural ingredients.
6. Do not use heavy oils for your scalp massage. Also, avoid using products made of waxes, parabens, and sulfates on your hair.
Scalp Acne: Causes & Treatment Options
7. Eat a healthy and balanced diet based on your Ayurvedic doshas. This will help to supply essential vitamins and minerals to your body in sufficient amounts.
It may take around 4-8 weeks for your scalp acne to resolve completely. Severe acne conditions such as cysts and nodules may take longer to heal. We advise you to consult your doctor if your scalp acne condition does not seem to reduce despite regular Ayurvedic and home-based treatments.
Yes. Scalp acne may cause hair loss in regions surrounding the pimple if it is not treated on time. However, if your scalp acne does not respond to treatments for a longer time, it may indicate other severe concerns such as seborrheic dermatitis, deep infection or even skin cancer, which may also be associated with hair loss.
Home Remedies To Treat Scalp Acne
Important Note: Consult your doctor before using any Ayurvedic herbal treatments and medical drugs mentioned in this article to cure scalp acne.
Just like any other part of your body, pimples can appear on your scalp too. The condition is triggered by dosha imbalances in your body. Your scalp tissues get restored and rejuvenated naturally once your bodily doshas are in equilibrium. Besides, maintaining scalp hygiene is a must. Make sure to practice healthy habits, follow a regular regimen, and eat a nutritious diet to achieve healthy and clear scalp.Those of us who suffer from dandruff know that apart from distributing dry flakes all over and triggering hair fall, it can also give rise to those terrible and painful itchy red bumps. Scalp acne is a common problem, especially if you have an oily scalp! In fact, dandruff is not the only reason for scalp acne, it can happen because of your excessively active oil glands and even hormonal imbalance as well. In this post, we we are going to share some ways to get rid of pesky bumps and scalp acne due to dandruff.
Hence the first step to treating scalp acne to ensure that you do away with any or many of these causes which can be responsible for your scalp acne. Try to treat dandruff as early as possible. Clean your scalp regularly and ensure that you allow no buildup. Eat a healthy and balanced diet, drink loads of water and never expose your scalp to the direct rays of sun if you are already suffering from scalp acne. Take proper care of your hair and scalp. You should also see a physician to see if it’s because of your hormonal problems.
The Complete Guide To And Best Products For Treating Scalp Acne
1. Use the right kind of shampoo. Use a mild shampoo which has healing properties. According to the nature of your problem, you can look for shampoos with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
2. Ideally, you should wash your oily scalp and hair every alternate day. This sounds exaggerated as we all know that excessive shampooing tends to damage hair, but using a natural hair cleanser like this reetha shampoo makes hair healthy, strong, and shiny as well.
• It is equally important to know what you need to avoid in your hair care products – propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate, mineral oil, alcohol, lanolin and parabens are some of them.
Pimples On The Scalp: Why, How, Treatments & Common Myths
Regular use of home remedies is very helpful in treating scalp acne. However you need to be religious in following them and be patient.
2. Grind small onions and squeeze out the juice. Massage on the scalp and leave it on. Do it at least 2 hours before you shampoo. This can be done everyday or on alternate days. Apart from treating scalp acne, it also treats hair loss problem.
3. Boil neem leaves in water and use it as a hair rinse. As we all know, neem has
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